Wednesday 25 March 2009

Spring at last

The snow melted and for ten days or so bright, warm sunshine blessed the valley. Daffodils, tightly closed through the snow, responded, unfurling in drifts - a profusion of yellow blooms scatter the terraces and fields.

There was no garden at Bertie’s Cottage when we arrived ten years ago last January, just parking and a rough field. The pasture, originally cider orchard floor and never ‘improved’ with fertiliser, was full of ‘weeds’ with beautiful potential, but the spectacle of literally thousands of daffodils made a wonderful surprise. At some point, generations ago, a keen gardener from the farm now next door must have loved the wild Narcissus pseudonarcissus, and have planted the double, all yellow form with bunched, feathery trumpets that thrives in the shade of one of our two ancient apple trees (Can you picture Demelza in Poldark?)

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