Monday, 15 September 2008

A cob nut tree, planted eight years ago in the chicken run has, to my amazement and delight, escaped the attentions of the squirrel population for the first time ever. Maybe the wretched little critters heard tell of our newfound passion – Friday night’s delicacy was a ragout of venison ribs, a chicken carcass originally intended for stock, and a squirrel that Jim skinned and butchered for the pot. Simmering away with a carrot, onion, bayleaf and peppercorns, it already smelt good, but by the time I’d thrown in a small handful of dried porcini (cep) mushrooms and a glass of red wine, I could tell we were in for a treat. After an hour and a half the meat was tender and falling apart, so whilst I picked out the bones, I let a dollop of cream enrichen and thicken the sauce. The result - pure bliss – an unbelievably concentrated flavour! With steamed greens and Red Duke of York potatoes from the garden, it was a memorable meal, enjoyed by us all. I really would urge anyone who lives in rural parts to give squirrel a go, but can’t say I’d be tempted by one from Hyde Park!

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